Best HR Software in Malaysia 2024

hr software in malaysia

Are you looking for the best HR software in Malaysia? You have certainly come to the right place. HR software has revolutionized the way we interact with HR problems and solutions. In this rapidly competitive age, some software companies stand head and shoulders above the rest.

In this era of the ongoing technological revolution, it’s crucial to narrow down your search to just find the best HR software in Malaysia.

From cost breakdowns, key features, and pros and cons, we have got you covered.

Key Takeaways

  • In this article, we are going to discuss everything you need to know about HR software in Malaysia.
  • The key features of each software, the pros, and cons and how you can contact them.
  • For your ease, we’ve also added a comparison table so that it’s easy for you to make your final decision.

Keep reading to know which software solution is our pick for the best HR software in Malaysia.

List of the Best HR Software in Malaysia

Before going into the details, let’s take a look at the list we have created for you of the best HR software in Malaysia.

Best HR Software in Malaysia
S/NSoftware NameKey Services
1.peopleHUM Most affordable cloud-based software
2.Kakitangan Best HRMS
3.Swingvy Best management software
4.PiHRBest overall HR software for businesses
5.FactoHR Best for employee management
6.Employment HeroBest end-to-end HRIS
7.Payroll Panda Best software for payroll
8.TaleNoxBest software for employee data management
9.HReasily The One-Stop HR Software
10.Info-Tech HRMS All-in-One Software

Review of the Top HR Software in Malaysia

There are many fantastic companies to choose from. However, the more choices you have, you will get more confused. That’s why we have taken it upon ourselves to break down the top 10 HR software companies in Malaysia.

We have broken down a lot of things about them, from their key features to their pros, cons, and ways to get in touch with them. Hopefully, this will help you choose for yourself!

PeopleHUM is a cloud-based software, widely known as one of the best HR software to exist in Malaysia.

It offers a wide range of creative HR-related solutions to your problems. PeopleHUM’s goal is to beyond data silos, and to completely transform the HR experience.

From onboarding to tracking, there are multiple uses featured in peopleHUM. Some of those are listed below.

What peopleHum offers:

  • Recruitment management System
  • Performance management 
  • HRIS
  • HR Analytics
  • Employee Engagement Tools
  • Remote Workforce Management Tool

There are pros and cons to every company. Some of peopleHUM’s are featured in the comparison table below.

✓ Offer free trial- Not the most ideal software for security management-related concerns
✓ Remote workforce management tools offered- Need to contact the company for detailed information about the price of different plans
✓ The lowest plan is very affordable
✓ Offers a 360 feedback system

One of the best things about Kakitangan is that you only need a minimum of three users to access this software.

This is huge, especially for small to medium businesses that are just starting and don’t have a lot of employees off the bat. Kakitangan is also known to simplify the whole game of HRMS.

It’s widely considered to be the best cloud-based HRMS software in Malaysia. Additionally, some of Kakitangan’s software features are specifically designed for regulatory compliance. Let’s break some of their features down below.

What Kakitangan offers:

  • E Payroll Management
  • E Leave application
  • E Claim Management
  • Attendance Management
  • Document storage and sharing (this is a premium feature)
  • Audit logs (this is a premium feature)
  • Medical benefits Management
  • Secure Data Storage
  • Cloud-based HRMS software

The pros and cons of Kakitangan are explored below.

✓ The initial plan is very affordable - Some crucial features are premium features and require high-cost
✓ Only requires 3 users, which is perfect for small businesses- It is not the most affordable software
✓ Allows encrypted data sharing
✓Gives access to secure cloud storage

Contact Info-

  • Schedule a Demo

Swingvy is a cloud-based HRMS software in Malaysia that is great for overall management. Multiple Swingvy features make it efficient, and productive and provide agile solutions to HR-related problems.

Swingvy has unique insights and strategies to empower companies with new HR solutions, which in turn leads to more efficient and fruitful results for the company.

What Swingvy offers:

  • Overall HR Management
  • Compliant Payroll Software
  • Leave Management Software
  • Time and Attendance Tracker
  • Mobile App

Some pros and cons of Swingvy are listed below.

✓ Mobile app available - Expensive software
✓ Cloud-based software with Xero integration- No free trial available
✓ Digital clock-in/clock-out attendance tracking feature available

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PiHR is widely known as one of the best HR software solutions. Trusted by hundreds of companies, they are often hailed as the best payroll software. PiHR is a SaaS-based HRMS and payroll software, and it provides a plethora of innovative solutions to HR problems. 

PiHR offers solutions to every HR-related problem you can think of. Additionally, It allows you to streamline a wide array of HR problems and come up with innovative, cutting-edge software solutions to those problems. 

Whether you are looking for payroll software, or facial recognition software to track attendance, PiHR has you covered. Among all of the software companies listed, PiHR provides the most comprehensive HR solution.

What PiHR offers:

  • Attendance management: This feature helps you to keep track of all your employees’ attendance and mark any cases of absenteeism.
  • Tax management:  is necessary for legal compliance, and to make sure tax deductions, etc are happening properly.
  • Shift management: helps to ensure you are keeping track of all employees’ shifts.
  • Face recognition: technology is quintessential to ensure only authorized personnel have access to the company.
  • Employee leave management: ensures you are keeping track of who is on leave at what time.
  • Employee tracking: This feature helps to ensure your employees are working even when they are working from home.
  • Digital notice board: lays out all notices and important announcements on the dashboard for employees to have easy access.
  • Expense management: helps you keep track of company expenses.
  • Task management: helps to delegate tasks to employees and check whether it’s being done
  • Payroll software: is necessary for generating payslips and making sure all employees are paid on time.
  • Security: is quintessential to protect your company’s data.
    Employee management is essential for managing all employee-related data
  • Notifications: will help alert all your employees whenever urgent announcements are being made.

Let’s break down certain pros and cons of PiHR.

✓ SaaS-based - Not the most affordable option
✓ Offers facial recognition service- Not the best for recruitment and onboarding
✓ Wide range of features- No free trial
✓ Security management offered
✓ Best payroll software

Contact Info-

  • Email:
  • Phone: +880 17 1342 8432 

FactoHR provides a comprehensive HR software solution for all your HR-related needs. This is not hyper-specific, unlike our last recommendation. It’s also very user-friendly and offers a wide array of useful features.

Additionally, it allows you to streamline multiple HR processes which is beneficial for company productivity.

By automating routine tasks, factoHR can easily lead to increased productivity in your company. Additionally, since it boasts a wide array of features, it can easily be integrated with your current ecosystem.

What factoHR offers:

  • Payroll Software
  • Onboarding software
  • Document management
  • Employee Database management
  • Quick dashboards
  • Business Process Automation
  • Pre Defined Template

Some pros and cons of factoHR are listed below.

✓ Offers free trial - Difficult to get cost estimates without contacting the company directly
✓ High data security- High cost
✓ Gathers real-time data about employee performance- Does not offer high levels of customization
✓ Many different price plans

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Employment Hero has been widely hailed as the company that solves all employment-related HR problems.

Its end-to-end HRIS covers all aspects of the employment process, starting from recruitment and onboarding to eventual company success. It’s a wide-range HR software that covers a lot of different features.

What Employment Hero offers:

  •  Payroll Software
  •  Rostering
  • Applicant Tracking
  • Recruitment
  • Onboarding
  • Employee Engagement
  • Employee Performance
  • Managing Turnover
  • Remote Employment

Some pros and cons of Employment Hero are listed below.

✓ Free version available- Not very affordable
✓ Employee learning management system available- Not the best option for regulatory compliance-related work
✓ Good applicant tracking system

Contact Info-

  • Request for a Demo.

Payroll Panda is a specialized HR software that deals with all payroll-related issues. From payslip generation to tax deductions and salary calculation, and automated payroll, Payroll Panda has you covered.

Payroll Panda offers the following features:

  • Payroll processing
  • Report generation
  • Customer Service
  • Processing bulk payments
  • Managing leave requests
  • Regulatory compliance
✓ Possibly the best option for payroll processing- Very specialized, not general for all HR-related issues
✓ Lots of free tools available- Not very affordable
✓ Very friendly UI-Not ideal for onboarding, recruitment, etc.
✓ Automated payroll processing

Contact Info-

  • Email:
  • Phone: +60 3 2787 9168

TaleNox offers a wide range of digital solutions for your HR-related issues. From payroll management and employee self-service, to employee tracking and comprehensive reporting and analysis, Tale-Nox has you covered.

Tale-Nox is very popular in Malaysia due to its diverse range of services.

TaleNox offersthe following features:

  • Automatic payroll management
  • Report generation
  • Cloud-based
  • Employee management
  • Leave management
  • Employee tracking
✓ Cloud-based- Not very affordable
✓ Free trial available - Not ideal for onboarding
✓ Offers high security
✓ Integrated apps

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HReasily is a fantastic option for Southeast Asian countries to streamline their HR processes and make their employees more productive.

 It’s known as the best-digitized solution to reduce the risk of human errors. Its user-friendly user interface and different pricing plans make it an attractive option.

Additionally, it’s catered towards businesses in Southeast Asia.

HReasily offers the following features:

  • Payroll
  • Time Tracking
  • Time and Attendance Management
  • Facial Recognition
  • Mobile Version Available
  • Live Chat Support
✓ Mobile version of the app is available- Very expensive software
✓ It supports multiple currencies- Not ideal for onboarding and recruitment
✓ Offers good security and facial recognition technology - Not the best software for payroll specifications
✓ Automated payroll

Contact Info-

  • Email:

Info-tech is a cloud-based HR software with a wide range of applications suited for your HR-specific needs.

From payroll to attendance to tracking, there are lots of features that give info-tech a well-desrved spot on this list.

Info-Tech offers the following features

  • Time Attendance App
  • Payroll Software
  • Leave Management Software
  • Claims Management Software
  • Performance Appraisal Software
  • Project Cost Management Software
✓ Offers high security with fingerprint and facial recognition technology - Free trial not available
✓ Around 30 years of industry experience- No direct information about price, you will have to contact them directly
✓Mobile version available
✓Applicant tracking system available

Contact Info-

  • Email:
  • Whatsapp: +60 1890 14671

Price Comparison of HR Software in Malaysia

SoftwarePriceFree Trial
peopleHUMStarts at $2
KakitanganRM 145/month with minimum 3 users
Swingvy$13 per user
Employment Hero$1.5-2.5 per user
Payroll Panda$6.5+1.5 per user
Tale-NoxStarts at $20
HReasilyAround $60
Info-techContact for price details

What are the Benefits of Utilizing HR Software in Malaysian Businesses

Why should you consider using HR software in Malaysia? There are a plethora of benefits to using HR software. Below, we have broken down the top ten reasons for choosing HR software for your business. This is not an exhaustive list of benefits, but they are usually cited as the primary ones!

1. Cost Effective

When you opt for HR software, the cost is usually up-front, and most software follows a subscription-based model. That’s why you only pay for the services you purchase, reducing your costs.

Additionally, you don’t need to invest in very expensive hardware or software. HR software has a low cost of maintenance as well.

2. Increased Efficiency and Productivity

By leveraging technology and using real-time data, companies can acquire huge amounts of data in a short amount of time.

This leads to several benefits like a better understanding of consumer interactions with products, thus giving companies knowledge about consumer behavior.

3. Higher Employee Retention

Employee management tools are very popular among companies that use HR software. When you use employee management software, you can better track and understand the patterns of your employees. You can track leaves, benefits, absences, attendance, etc.

4. Better Onboarding

HR software makes the hiring process extremely painless because it streamlines the entire process. This eliminates the need for manual hiring done by employees. By inputting your requirements in your onboarding software, the software can automatically eliminate candidates who don’t meet the criteria.

On top of that, specific onboarding tools like training programs and task divisions can be accessed by employees through the common dashboard on the software that everyone can access.

Applicant tracking systems can also be used to eliminate the need for manual application tracking.

5. Higher Scalability

HR software is easily adaptable and can be updated depending on your needs. You can easily add new modules and technology stacks to your existing software.

If needed, you can also upgrade your software to add new features. Additionally, you can always buy a more expensive plan when you realize that your company will be expanding.

The benefit here is that HR software is available in many differently priced plans to accommodate different types of companies. Hence, if your company is expanding, your software can also be expanded to accommodate!

6. Increased Data Security

HR software is also customizable. You can opt for a customized plan to deal with more sensitive information. This increases your data security because customized security software is not usually targeted by breaches or hackers.

There are several creative cybersecurity solutions that HR software can give you. From encryptions to strong firewalls and complex password-protected systems, HR software can strengthen your data security to ensure that no breaches ever occur.

7. Regulatory Compliance

Many legal issues may arise in the future with running a company. You always have to ensure that you are running according to government regulations.

A good way of making sure that the company meets compliance standards is by automating compliance-related tasks.

Most HR companies use HR software to monitor compliance.

8. Improved Decision Making

HR software automates a lot of basic and menial day-to-day tasks. Since HR professionals don’t have to worry about onboarding or regulatory compliance anymore, they can easily shift their focus to other things like improving the overall employee and customer experience.

HR software often leads to better collaboration and teamwork within the company. It leads to an improvement in decision-making because the menial tasks don’t require any effort from the professionals.

That’s why, the HR personnel can spend more time making crucial decisions for the future and long-term growth of the company.

9. Business and Benefits Administration

By using HR software you can monitor the overall business administration of the company. You can oversee all sorts of things like payroll, communication, onboarding, benefits administration, etc. You can easily automate benefits as well.

It’s hard to manually keep track of all employees who are on benefits. However, by using HR software you can easily keep track of leaves, benefits, etc.

10. Payroll

Last but certainly not least, HR software can help you with payroll. HR software can automate tax deductions, and benefits calculations, and generate salary reports while keeping regulatory compliance in mind.

What Factors Should businesses in Malaysia Consider When Selecting HR Software

Before choosing software for your company, there are lots of factors to consider. How are you going to understand these factors? You must first realize what your exact requirements are, and what your budget is.

You need to do a company-wide analysis to see which features you want automated, and how much budget you can allocate towards that.

1. Cost

If you are a small business starting, you probably don’t have a huge budget to just allocate towards software. Make a practical budget, and look into options that fall under that budget.

Many software companies offer their software at different price plans depending on what the software offers.

2. Scalability

Will the software be able to keep up with the exponential company growth and expansion in the future? Does it have enough room to add new extensions and modules if needed?

Can you update the software if you need to in the future? These are questions you need to answer before you choose a specific company.

3. Comprehensive Product Suits

Having a cohesive and comprehensive HR ecosystem is essential for the growth of a company. You don’t want to rely on multiple channels or vendors for different things.

Instead, you want all your HR processes to be streamlined and made easy for you.

4. Data Security

This is an obvious one. When choosing HR solutions you need to ensure that the software has robust security software in place.

Your HR software needs to be able to protect all the data in your company. Otherwise, you will be susceptible to different types of breaches!

5. Experience in the Industry

A general rule of thumb is that your HR software will be better if it has years of experience behind it. Usually, the best HR software earns the trust of a plethora of different companies.

6. Compatibility

For seamless integration of HR software with your system, your software must be compatible with your existing system. Look into your existing infrastructure and what kind of software your existing infrastructure can support.

7. Client Support

You need to find companies that are friendly and can provide support when needed. When you opt for HR software, your employees also need to be made familiar with the software. As a result of that, you need to ensure the company has sufficient resources for training.

8. Customization

Not all companies require the same thing from their HR software. The best HR software is the ones that allow customization features for you.

Since your needs are not going to be the same as every other company, you should have the space to ask for your specific needs from your software.

Nowadays many software companies offer HR software with completely customizable features.

9. Cloud-Based Features

Another popular trend among HR software companies recently is having cloud-based HR software. Cloud-based HR software is great for many reasons.

Since everything is automatically updated on the cloud, there is no trouble with data storage and data recovery. On top of that, cloud-based software also leads to more security.

10. Client and User Reviews

Last but not least, when you opt for a specific product, you should always look at reviews. Do some research on which companies this specific HR solution company has worked with.

Look at what their past clients have to say about them and their software. Finding authentic reviews may be difficult, but it’s always worth the hassle.

Are you Looking for the Best HR Software Solution for HR Professionals in Malaysia

Best Overall

We have an easy answer for you. PiHR is the best HR software solution for HR professionals.

From attendance, shift, leave, and employee management, to payroll, security, and face recognition technology, PiHR has all the solutions to any of your HR-related issues. If you need more information about PiHR, please feel free to visit our website. Transform your HR experience by teaming up with PiHR!

Best for Employee Management

FactoHR is widely known in Malaysia for being the best employee management HR solution.

From having quick dashboards to assign tasks to employees efficiently, to managing databases and other employee-related features, FactoHR is the best if you’re looking singularly for employee management solutions.

Best for on a Budget

Obviously, budgetary constraints are something to consider, especially if you’re an SME. Maybe the best solution for you is one that provides the most features at the lowest cost. If that sounds like you, the solution for you is peopleHUM.

They provide employee management tools, along with dashboards, analytics, and tracking.

Best for Payroll

Payroll Panda is the uncontested champion if you’re looking for specialized software that will handle all your payroll-related HR work.

From salary calculation, tax deduction, regulatory compliance, and automated payroll processing, Payroll Panda has all the specialized payroll tools in its toolbox.

Best for Accounts Management

Info-tech offers a variety of features but is arguably the best for accounts management. It offers specialized data security, leave management, claims management, and tracking software.

Final Thoughts

There are many important reasons behind investing in HR software. HR software aids in the scalability, productivity and efficiency of the company, while also increasing employee retention. It can streamline multiple processes starting from onboarding and recruitment all the way to payroll and employee management.

Although there will always be a plethora of options to choose from, you should be discerning before settling on a software. We hope that our guide helped you understand what factors to look into before choosing a specific software for your company.

While there are great Malaysian HR software options, we do think PiHR is the best overall option. Feel free to take a look at our website for more information.

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