MultiBio 700
MultiBio 700 Access Control Fingerprint & Attendance
Less than 1 second user recognition, MultiBio 700 is an innovative biometric ngerprint reader for access control application.

Our suite of smart products works seamlessly together to connect teams
ZKTeco F18 is an access control biometric time attendance machine that is the most popular innovative fingerprint attendance machine in Bangladesh.
3000 Fingerprints
5000 Cards
30000 Log
10500 BDT
Powered by the MultiBio 700 Fingerprint Attendance machine
ZKTeco MB 700 is a new generation multiple biometric identification product.
- Includes a USB port for offline data backup
- 3-inch Touch Screen
- High Resolution Infrared Camera
- Multiple verification modes
- ZK optical sensor
MultiBio 700 Access Control with Attendance & Finger Print
ZKTeco MB 700 is a new generation multiple biometric identification product.
- 1500 face capacity and 2000 fingerprint capacity
- Optional 10,000 ID card capacity available
- 100,000 logs transaction storage
- 3 inches touch screen display
- USB-Host, TCP/IP, or RS232/485 communications
- Less than 1-sec identification speed
- High-resolution infrared camera
- Standard access control functions: multi-identification, tamper alarm, time zone, anti-passback, and duress mode
- Optional functions: Mifare card and ID card
- Third-party interfaces for alarm, electric lock, wired bell, exit Hutton and door sensor access control
- 50 time zones, dismantle function, 99 groups, and 10 unlock combinations present
- Face and fingerprint set as default verification mode (19 other modes such as RFID only, RFID & Face, Fingerprint only, Face & PIN)
Powered by the MultiBio 700 Intelligence System™
ZKTeco brings to the market its new generation multiple biometric attendance machine, the MultiBio 700. This fingerprint attendance machine offers standard integration with face, fingerprint, and PIN recognition. It also features an optional RFID mode. With the new, improved facial recognition feature, the machine gives better results.
MultiBio 700 captures the size, shape, and relative position of the user’s cheekbones, jaw, nose, and eyes. Furthermore, it matches these features with the feature data and provides instant verification. The machine can hold up to 500 faces without dividing them into groups. The verification is done from these faces to eradicate variance. MultiBio 500 uses face and fingerprint as the default identification mode.
The fingerprint attendance machines cab also work with a third-party interface. This ensures better security to the enterprise information and life. Companies can use the MultiBio 500 for cost-saving since it monitors the in and out time of the employees. This machine has software that generates more than 150 industry standard reports.
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