Employee Leave

Employee Leave Management

Track all types of leave, No spreadsheets, No paper.

HR work is not limited to the desk. You may need to do a small task from home at the weekend, from a tour on vacation, or outside of the office. So, it’s important to have mobile application features of your HRMS. It Manages your employee absences and leaves with cloud-based HRM Software. This absence & leave management software has the features of Employee leave Applications, Leave Calendar, Leave Reliever, and much more.

Employee Leave App’s Benefits

Employee Leave App’s Benefits

It Manages your employee absences and leaves with cloud-based HRM Software. This absence & leave management software has the features of Employee leave Applications, Leave Calendar, Leave Reliever, and much more.

Leave Reliever

All Hours is a cloud-based leave management system that enables you to efficiently manage, approve, and track leave requests and absences from any device.

Employee Leave Management
Leave Status

Leave Status

Our PiHR dashboard can allow you to view the status of leave allotted to each employee.

Multiple Leaves Approver

PiHR has a feature of Multiple Leaves Approval.

Leave Calendar

Leave Calendar

Your staff may use the app or the website to view how much leave they have scheduled or already taken during the year.